Updated Notice regarding Arrival and Departure to and from Tribhuvan International Airport

All the information below are provided from the official sources of Nepal ( Ministry of Health, Government of Nepal, in regards to the health and safety order 2021).
Nepalese citizen entering Nepal from Tribhuvan International Airport

As of 2021 all the incoming and outgoing international flights have been resumed. Tourist entry in Nepal is allowed. All the travelers are required to go through a PCR test and mandatory quarantine is required(5 days). You are required to fill a form which is about 10 questions long if you are planning to come to Nepal, leave from Nepal and for domestic flights too.

For all international travellers

NOTE: Negative results from a PCR test obtained within 72 hours prior to departure from the country of origin are required for entry. This does not apply to passengers younger than 5 years.

How long does it take to get visa to Nepal?

There has been no delay in getting visa due to Covid-19 restrictions. You can expect to get visa within 15 – 20 days max.

Quarantine in Nepal ?

All passengers are subject to mandatory quarantine of 5 (in some cases 7days) only at their own cost, only in the hotels enlisted by Ministry Of Culture, Ministry of Tourism and Ministry of Civil Aviation.

You can get the detailed information about hotel prices, quality and their contact details in the following link.

Click here to see hotels allowed for isolation

All other travelers are subject to follow health and security related protocols of GON, which includes some of them:

  • Maintaining 2 meters gap ( social distancing)
  • Avoiding large gathering
  • Allow airflow in rooms and avoid going to places with no ventilation.
  • Wearing mask is compulsory especially in social gathering areas.
image source: ccmc Nepal

You can check detailed health and safety protocols you have to follow while traveling in this link => cmc.gov.np

Lockdown situation and gatherings

Lockdown is partial here and small gathering are allowed however maintaining social distance and wearing mask are highly considered while going for shopping or on a social events.

Large gathering spots like: cinema hall or swimming club, night clubs are still managing to re open.

Note: Lockdown situation varies upon each districts, some might have strict rules than others.

Check out the places you might not want to miss. Happy travelling 🙂

CCMC. (n.d.). Retrieved 25 March 2021, from https://ccmc.gov.np/#

  1. Very interesting travel information about Pokhara valley. Really appreciated.

  2. This place looks stunning! I’d be keen to do the zip line

  3. Wow just wow, Nupel looks absolutely amazing. Will be putting Katmandu valley on the bucket list once COVID deicides to…

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