The Newari town of Bandipur is one of the hidden gems located in the central Nepal. It is about 3 hours drive from the capital. It reflects the Newari people and their culture. Located amid the green hill, Bandipur is a peaceful settlement where the inhabitants in the Bandipur bazaar are engaged in tourism, while in hilly sides, people grow rice, millet, corn, and mustard on terrace fields.

Bandipur is famous for its traditional village architecture, stunning Himalayan views, lovely countryside walks. Here you can find a beautiful preserved 18th century village homes and market and you won’t find too crowded and aggressive marketers forcing to buy you things. A simple but beautiful small village will win your heart with its ancient architecture and lovely mountain also known as “lovely hill”. Bandipur village stays at elevation of 1030m from the busiest Prithivi Highway ( a route which connects the capital city Kathmandu to Pokhara city ).

Pedesterian street of Bandipur Village
source : travelsofabookpacker

Attractions around the Area

Siddha Cave

Bandipur amazes visitors with its geography as much similarly as with its pleasant and social attractions, and it would be worthless not to visit its caves while you are in Bandipur. The must-see attraction here is Siddha Cave, discovered just in 1987. It is the largest cave in Nepal and second largest in south Asia. The area of the cave is around 0.5 kilometer square inside and around 2,500 people can fit inside.

The cave is situated about 1 and half hour (if muddy takes half day) walk from Bandipur. People also visit the cave for religious and cultural values.

Tourists can check for themselves by investigating its internal breaks which are loaded with regular fine arts made by the stalactites and stalagmites here and bats which will fly overhead often. Siddha Cave is arranged recently over the bluff of Bimalnagar, from where it is a thirty-minute climb. A local compulsory guide will wait you at the entrance of the cave with a headtorch.

Silkworm Farming

The Silk Road has a ton of history behind it and a great deal of silk. The little animals that turn silk, silkworms, are reared on ranches close Bandipur. You may need to discover a guide or a nearby to enable you to get to one, yet once you do you can visit around the homesteads to perceive how the silkworms are raised and how they eat the mulberries and transform them into silk. The farm is located downhills about 2.5kms walk from the town.

Bandipur ViewPoint

The main reason to climb up to “Thani Mai” is for the spectacular sunrise views from Gurungche Hill. A clear morning offers some of the most memorable 360-degree vistas in the country, with the Himalaya stretching out along the horizon, and the valley below covered in a thick fog that resembles a white lake. The trail starts near the school at the southwest end of the bazaar, and is a steep 30-minute walk.

Trip Facts

Accommodation: Accommodation in Bandipur sets you about $10 ( cheapest) and $38 ( good range) per person per night. While Bandipur has varieties of hotels and motels around.

I would recommend you to check the Adventure Camp if you looking for camping. The Adventure camp provides you with a good tents and comfortable beds and with friendly staff and are ready to server you till midnight with amazing food and BBQ. Waking up early and viewing the mesmerizing sunrise is the thing you shouldn’t miss the very next morning.

Duration: Well, Bandipur is a small valley to spend a week but if you are really interested and want to know about the culture and want to explore more rural life, you can start hike down from bandipur to the villages which are about 4 km far from the center Bandipur.

Typically, people spend 4 to 5 days.

Costs: Pretty affordable place to visit. The costs you would have to pay is for hotels and parking and the cave visit, other than that its up to you.

I always prefer to stay a night at Bandipur whenever I am travelling around that route. I feel refreshed and quite comfortable there with the people weather and the nature.

Stay tuned for the next Blog : ” Begnas Lake and Majhikuna ,Pokhara Nepal”

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